Inter-process communication seen as Input/Output

B H Venter
Department of Computer Science, University of Port Elizabeth
P O Box 1600
6000 Port Elizabeth
e-mail: (now


Inter-process communication (IPC) and Input/Output (I/O) are closely related. If the classical operating system calls for Input/Output are suitably generalized, they can be used as an IPC mechanism. Not much needs to be done, apart from allowing process to ``open'' another process for I/O operations. Initiating an I/O operation corresponds to sending a request message to device driver, file system, or another process. The completion of an I/O operation corresponds to receiving a reply message. A particular set of generalized operation system calls for I/O+IPC is presented in the paper. The semantics of these calls, and their implications, are discussed in some detail, with particular reference to IPC issues. The paper argues that a generalized mechanism is useful enough in the ``raw'' form, and efficient enough, for an operating system designer to consider replacing existing I/O-only and IPC-only sets of calls with a single, general set.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: D4.4 [Operating Systems]: Communications Management - buffering, input/output, message sending.

General Terms: Design

Additional Key words and Phrases: operating systems design, inter-process communication, input/output.

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Prof Herman Venter
Thu Apr 18 12:33:57 GMT 1996